LANCE G. Powell Jr.
Product / Design / Community / Development / Social Content Creator / Writer / Speaker / VR

Oversaw the launch of Remio on the Official Meta Store and it's steady growth to 100K+ MAU
Facilitating regular update launches with communication across a remote & multicultural team, project quality assurance, coordinating uploads, and release notes
Game, level, and sound design for spaces added to Remio, including: WingIt, Rem City, Animal City, and The Mines
Maintaining relationships and coordinating events with clients and platform partners
Building relationships with customers through the virtual community through in-app communication, prize giveaways, moderation, and qualitative research
Coordination across developer, academic, and executive teams for the VR Language app Language City while leading level and game design
Project management for an A.I.-driven, 360 video workforce development app and Chinese Horoscope app while also leading level and content design
Running an internship program for technical artists and developers on two educational VR apps: 'A Classroom Afloat' and 'Hydroponics'
XR Training / Speaking Events / Podcasts
Content creator

The creator and host of VR Special, a semi-improvised, comedy show in multiple Social VR platforms
Informational and entertainment content for YouTube and TikTok for Remio, some videos reaching 300K+ views
Wrıter and researcher
Toured the Metaverse for my novel 'Mirror Box' and seeking a publisher for a book series called 'NON'
Contributor and interviewer in VR's early days to the consumer market through my blog on Medium and the first ever lifestyles magazine for Social VR
Contributor and interviewer in VR's early days to the consumer market through my blog on Medium and the first ever lifestyles magazine for Social VR
Wrote fundamental research on virtual worlds called A Framework for Understanding and Detecting Harassment in Social VR for Masters Cognitive Science degree at Boğaziçi University
Rec Room Creator
Have built several rooms in the world's #1 Social VR platform Rec Room
- Lost Soul's Theater
- Meditation Meditation
- Travel with Friends
- Donkey Kong Stunt Runner
- Kennedy Assassination PVP
- Kennedy Assassination EDU
VR Developer
Creator of the VR Penny Arcade and VR Kangaroo Simulator (first- ever kangaroo-based exercise app for VR)